Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Soup Kitchen - Additional date added in December!

We are pleased to announce that there is another volunteer opportunity available at the soup kitchen on Saturday, December 1st, 2012! This is an excellent opportunity to help those less fortunate.

Location: The Marquard Center: 1645 W. LeMoyne St. (corner of LeMoyne & Paulina), Chicago, IL, 60622

Hours: Dinner hours are between the hours of 4:45PM-7PM.  Confirmation: Please confirm volunteer session with Carmel – AMSNs Volunteer Coordinator at (847) 452-2948.  Please stay loyal to the date you choose and notify Carmel in advance!  You’re teamwork is needed and definitely appreciated for this wonderful cause!

1 comment:

  1. attn medical pros,podiatrists too,dermatologists,and those willing to donate towards a walk in clinic composed of those who eat dinner @ 1645 w le moyne,many live on the street,some have apts,but do not qualify for benifits,might help quite a bit to ask marquardt ctr if a podiatrist/dermatologist walk in clinic might be of help to diners here, treating skin lesions,and other ailments peculiar to those who live outside,or in cold living quarters might make some a lot more comfortable,and assist in clinical experience too,,
